LMUD Community Scholarship Application

Applications for the 2024, Community Scholarship will be accepted until April 30, 2024.


Reactive, Stand-by, Supplementary

Reactive, Stand-by, & Supplementary Special Conditions
  1. Demand and energy charges only apply to capacity and energy customer purchases from LMUD in any monthly period.
  2. The maximum demand in any month will be the maximum average power taken during any 15-minute interval in the month. In cases where the use of energy is intermittent or subject to violent fluctuations, a five-minute interval may be used.
Reactive, Stand-by, & Supplementary Rate

The entire territory of LMUD.

  • Facility charge (per meter, per month): $360
  • Standby charge per kilowatt of contract capacity: $0.60
  • Reactive charge per kVArh: $0.003
  • Demand charge (all kW, per kW): $7
  • Commodity charge (all kWh, per kWh): $0.190
Reactive, Stand-by, & Supplementary Applicability

This schedule is applicable to standby and supplementary service to customers whose premises are regularly supplied, in whole or in part, from their own generating facility subject to the discretion of LMUD.